Original Amplifier Shield Setup After ordering a proper amplifier shield to boost the small voltage changes that Wheatstone bridge on the load cell gives off, some Arduino programming was done to interpret the voltage as load. Fortunately, the amplifier shield purchased was configured to output a boosted voltage that the built in Analog to Digital Converter could read and convert to integer values (0-1023 for a 10 bit system). However, this was found to be inadequate for the load cell and could only give an accuracy of 1.54 LBS per integer value. In other words, a 5V input divided up into 1024 sections yields a readable voltage change of 4.9mV (5V/1024=0.0049V). The load cell is capable of reading changes much smaller than 4.9mV so some changes were in order because the system needed to be more accurate than 1.54 LBS for measuring the rocket engine thrust. Amplifier Shield coupled with the 16 bit ADC So, to make this more accurate, a 16 bit Analog to Digital Converter was use...